A New Way To Better Serve Our Eagles

As part of UNT's commitment to providing exceptional customer service, in November of 2022, the Board of Regents approved the construction of a new student services center. Since then, the University has been diligently working to move this project to the next phase. We are excited to announce that the wait is over!  UNT will soon have a beautiful new space to serve our students in a more functional and efficient manner.

On March 6, 2023, extensive remodeling began in the Eagle Student Services Center (ESSC). While we know things might look a little different, what's coming is very exciting. This new center will help to maximize service to students and families, making it easier to get the answers to important enrollment and financial questions – all in one central location. 

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We are very excited to add new levels of service to the Mean Green experience through this initiative, and we ask that you please pardon our feathers while we make it possible!

The Center

This center will provide a holistic experience, combining the care and resources of the enrollment student services teams into one hub of integrated systems and technology. The vision for this center is one that will provide: 

  • A welcoming space to seek assistance from trained staff who can provide direct assistance or help make appropriate connections - in the moment.
  • Delivery of seamless and responsive services that encourage engagement and student success.
  • Proactive efforts in affordability, financial services, and access, across the student journey.

Rendering of the new service center lobby

Services During Construction

Foot traffic will be rerouted throughout the ESSC building for students, faculty and staff, and we ask that you be mindful of the surroundings for your safety. Observe all posted signs and placards.

During this transition, all offices will remain open to serve you. Remember, we can always meet you wherever you are:

Ready to meet with a team member in person? 

I'm here! Join the walk-in queue:



Schedule a virtual or in-person appointment:

Admissions Financial Aid Registrar Student Accounting

Map and Navigation

Physical access to the offices of Admissions, Registrar, Financial Aid & Scholarships and Student Accounting will be temporarily reorganized for your convenience and safety. If your needs require meeting in person, we are here for you! Simply follow these directions to meet with our support staff.


Entrance 1

Student Services, Second Floor
Need to drop off documents for Admissions or have an appointment with our Recruitment team? Need to speak with someone about financial aid or need assistance with your student account? Visit the Integrated Services desk here!

Entrance 2 Door to ESSC 225 Classroom

ESSC 255 will still be in use during construction. The only door available for access is facing the long fountain on the Library Mall. Interior doors to ESSC will be unavailable for use.

Entrances 3/4/5

Office of the Registrar, University Cashiering and ID Cards
Enter the first floor, either through the door at the base of the stairs facing the field in the quad, through the doors in the breezeway between the student union, or indoors from the union down the ramp across from Wells Fargo.

Left to right: Doors facing quad field, First Floor Breezeway, Indoor Union Entrance.

Project Photo Gallery

Come back often to watch our progress!

Renovations on the second floor are nearly complete as the project enters the final phase.

Demolition of the first phase is complete and the construction of the new Center will begin.

ESSC Demo 1 ESSC Demo 2 ESSC Demo 3

President Smatresk was joined by Scrappy and others when he took the first swing of the demolition process, in the renovation of the ESSC for the new integrated student services center.

Signage and other wayfinding materials have been placed around the building. 

UNT President Smatresk and Scrappy stand ready to start renovation. President Smatresk puts a hardhat on Scrappy for safety
Presiden Smatresk smashes a glass tile wall with a sledgehammer. President Smatresk stands with Scrappy and others at the demolition site with sledgehammers and making the eagle claw gesture

If you have any additional questions about the project or if you see trouble areas that need attention, please contact us at 940-565-2000.